

A little about Maslows history

Abraham and his wife Bertha
    Born April 1st,1908 in Brooklyn,New York Abraham was the oldest of seven children. He presuded law but then graduated at the University of Wilsconin in the feild of psychology. Soon after he married his first cousin Bertha Goodman against his parents will, and had two daughters together. Maslow received his BA in 1930, his MA in 1931,and his phD in 1934 all in psychology from the University of Winconsin. After this he went back to New York to work with E.L Thorndike at Columbia where Abraham became intruiged in research on human sexuality. In his later life he served as the chair of the psychology department at Brandeis from 1951 untill 1969 where him and Kurt Goldstein developed Maslows famous book  The Organism (1934).  Maslow died on June 8th,1970 of a heart attack after years of ill health.

Feild Of Research

   In Maslows early life he experiemented with baby monkeys to gather information on attachment behaviour. While researching with monkeys he noticed that some needs are more important than others. e.g if you are hungry and thirsty you will take care of your thirst first. He did branch off into human   sexuality in his late career.

Maslows Hierarchy of needs

Contribution to the social science

Abraham Maslow contributed many things including his creation of  the now famous hierachy of needs. This consisted of air,water,food,and sex which was then put into five layers of the pyramid: the physiological needs, the needs for safety and security, the needs for love and belonging, the needs for esteem, and the need to actualize the self ,all in order.

How Maslow furthered the discipline in psychology

Maslows original thinking was very rare amoungst psychologists. He wanted to know what constituted positive mental health,while psychologists before his time had been concerned with the abnormal and the ill.
  Abraham also used a story of a man being eaten by a whale to illustrate people who were unwilling to take risks. The tale is still known and popular to psychologists today. 


  Abraham Maslows theory of certain needs to be more important than other needs has been acknowledged around the world as a theory for many things such as for motivation,to implace order and control in the work place and much more. Even though as years pass with more flaws being found with his idea, the hierarchy of needs is still the most well known and recognized theory to date within the social science feild.